Sunday, September 26, 2010
Harrisburg Skyline I, oil, 6 x 8 inches

Tuesday, September 14, 2010
Where Have I Been?
Oil on canvas board
9 x 12 inches
I now belong to three blogs and have inadvertantly "forgotten" to post to my own. The Daily Painters of Pennsylvania and The Susquehanna Valley Plein Air Painters both have blogs now and are starting to exhibit as groups around Central Pa. It's been wonderful meeting other artists and posting our work together. So, I did fall behind on posting to this blog. I'm making an effort now to come back and continue this blog because this is also a journal of my art journey and I feel it necessary to express myself in writing as well as on canvas.
Last week we painted in Amity Hall at the boat launch. It was a brisk, windy day - exhillerating compared to the heat of this past summer. We saw a bald eagle flying above and two great blue herons soaring over the waters. I completed this piece on site - maybe a few touch-ups are required but it is mostly finished. The light was changing every minute due to the thick, fast moving clouds. But every now and then the sun would shine and hit the trees and plants - which is what I tried to capture very quickly here. I'm pleased with this piece - it's loose with almost a watercolor feel. It says what I hoped to say.
Monday, July 26, 2010
View from Liverpool, oil on linen board, 6x8

It was a beautiful morning in Liverpool, PA when a few of us journey up Rt. 11/14 to Liverpool to paint the lovely view of the Susquehanna River. We had respite from the heat for one day with a nice breeze and perfect plein air conditions. There was a morning haze hanging around but that just made this little scene all the more special. I really enjoyed painting that day. We then ate lunch at a cozy little restaurant and talked about our artistic journeys. I'm thankful for those little moments in time that fill your senses.
Tuesday, June 29, 2010
Codori Farm, Gettysburg

Tuesday, June 1, 2010
Wildwood Lake, oil, 9 x 12

Monday, May 10, 2010
"Just Around the Corner", oil on board, 14 x 11 inches

I'm finally back in front of the easel. If you've been wondering where I've been - I'm well but busy with the gallery. Now that Spring has sprung I'm back painting - it took a few messy attempts to get back into the swing of things - but last week I took my time with this little plein air piece and enjoyed it so much! It is so refreshing to be out in God's "open air", smelling the combination of freshly mowed grass and oil paints, listening to the birds flittering all around and being amongst fellow artists enthusiastic about the discovery of the perfect little scene. I praise the Lord for being blessed with the opportunity to be an artist and share the experience with others. Thank you for your patience and I hope I'll have many new posts to share!
Sunday, April 4, 2010
Resurrection Sunday!
Sunday, March 28, 2010
THANK YOU to all the artists who participated and to all the patrons who attended the "Palm Sunday through Resurrection" exhibit opening reception yesterday. I am thrilled with the artwork submitted by the artists - such deep expression and interpretation of the theme. I am so moved by the quality of all the artists represented by Art & Soul Gallery - not only in their artistic talent but in their thoughtful and sincere spirit. I have received so much positive feedback and, as the Lord leads, I know we are on the right path. Blessings to you all! --Lyn
Monday, March 1, 2010
"Donkey Thoughts", sculpture

I haven't posted any of my sculptures for a while, so I thought I'd share this piece. I call it "Donkey Thoughts" as I imagine what has gone through the mind of this creature that has been a witness of so many biblical and historical events throughout time. This sculpture won a Judge's Choice Award at a show at the Art Center in Mechanicsburg in 2007. This sculpture, along with other artist's works, will be on display at an exhibit entitled "Palm Sunday through Resurrection" opening March 27, 2010 at the Art & Soul Gallery in Lemoyne and running through April 24, 2010.
Monday, February 22, 2010
Sunshine Award

My artist friends and fellow bloggers Diana Marshall and Claire Beadon Carnell have sent me a "Sunshine Award" for brightening their day with images and blurbs from this blog.
The rules for accepting this award are:
-Put the logo on your blog with your post.
-Pass the award on to 12 other bloggers
-Let the nominees know they have received this award by commenting on their blog.
-Link to the person from whom you received this award.
This took a little time, but you know what...I haven't stopped lately to tell these fellow artists how much I learn and am inspired by their blogs, so I thought now was a good time to do it. They do bring me sunshine.
Thank you to Diana and Claire, it means a lot coming from you both as I love your work. If you hadn't already won this award, you would be the people I'd pass it on to.
Here are 12 of my favorite artists:
Sunday, February 14, 2010
After Vermeer's "Christ in the House of Martha and Mary", c.1655

Saturday, February 6, 2010
An Artist's Inspiration

Today's snowstorm has painted the earth with such glorious beauty. An artist needs to look no further than their own backyard to find inspiration. God's creation lays the scene and the artist takes notice! This is the view that I woke up to this morning - as my horse finds refuge in her stall, herself enjoying the beauty of the falling snow. So the busy-ness slows down if but for a few hours - isn't it grand? It's a sabbath for the soul. Even the crisp, cool air is refreshing! I'm so inspired I'm ready to paint!
Thursday, February 4, 2010
"Bridled Spirit", 9 x 12, oil
Wednesday, January 13, 2010
"In the Garden", oil, 6 x 8 inches

Monday, January 11, 2010
"Christ Chapel, Gettysburg College", oil, 9" x 12"

This is a plein air piece that I painted during the 2009 Gettysburg Festival. It is Christ Chapel on the campus of Gettysburg College. I was drawn by the sunlight shining from behind the church, sparkling on the steeple, and dancing on the tree tips. Painting outside, directly from observation, and racing against the changing light is like no other feeling.
Christ Chapel,
Gettysburg College,
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