Sunday, September 26, 2010

Harrisburg Skyline I, oil, 6 x 8 inches

Though the politics in the city of Harrisburg are in upheavel, the beauty of a city skyline remains intact. We painted from the West Fairview boat launch over the past two weeks and this is the little piece I finished. I've been wanting to do the skyline for a while. Almost miraculously, we saw a majestic golden eagle riding the wind above us the first day. They are not normally seen in these parts - but it must have been travelling through. What a wingspan! Scripture tells us that, "they who wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength. They shall mount up on wings as eagles." If only the city would take a lesson from that eagle soaring over it -- to wait on the Lord and allow Him to move among the decision-making. That's what I was thinking while painting.


  1. This is beautiful Lyn. Very, very nice.

  2. Very lovely peaceful setting with the river in the foreground. One doesn't always think of peaceful when looking at cities. Nicely done.
